Guest blogger - Henry J. Fuller, treasure Hunter
I am grateful to fellow treasaure hunter and author W. C. Jameson for allowing me to occupy this portion of his website pages to tell you about one of his latest books - Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of the Gudalupe Mountains, 2nd edition. This fascinating volume is the most completely researched and documented collection of the history and legend of lost mines and buried treasures in the grandest mountain range in Texas.
As most people know by now, Jameson is not only one of themost prominent ansd sought-after treasure hunters in America, he is the highly successful author of The Lost Mines and Buried Treasure Series, consisting of forty-six books and counting, and released by several major publishers. Jameson's experiences and writings have found their way into dozens of televised documentaries and series as well as podcasts. Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of the Guadalupe Mountains, 2nd ed. has been released as a limited edition issue and is sold only via his personal appearances and this website.
This compelling book details most of the fascinating treasures associated with this magnificent mountain range, providing backstories, contemporary search expeditions, and information on a handful of discoveries and recoveries. I have already placed my own order for 12 copies - one for me and the rest as gifts to my treasure hunting peers. For as long as this special edtion lasts it can be purchased for only $30 postpaid by contacting WC via this website. (4/19/23)
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We know that treasure hunters across the country utilize WC's books as an integral part of their research and preparation. We recently became curious as to which of his books are the best sellers and the most referred to . Here is what we've discovered.
Published over three decades ago, Buried Treasures of the American Southwest is still in print and doing well, and is considered the "go to" reference for many THers.
Other books in the series with impressive numbers include Buried Treasures of the Ozarks and Lost Treasures in American History. Regarding the Ozarks book, professional and amateur THers alike are discovering the possibilities of some great treasure finds in the Ozark states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri, since these states have not been picked over like many others. Some impressive discoveries have been reported.
As you may recall, Lost Treasures in American History led an intrepid treasure hunter to the discovery of a huge Spanish treasure in gold and silver ingots in a texas tributary to the Gulf of Mexico. Two additional treasures treated in this book have also been found.
WC's books are available on amazon.com and in good book stores., as well as from WC himself if you can ever pin him down.
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Good News for treasure hunters! Since the release of The Lost Canyon of Gold: Discovering the Legendary Lost Adams Diggings by professional treasure hunter and adventurer WC Jameson, dozens have journeyed to the now-disclosed site and panned gold nuggets from the famous stream that had elided searchers for more than a century-and a-half. Many of them, including myself, have returned home with impressive amounts of the precious metal .
Several of the treasure hunters have sent both Jameson and myself photographs of the gold nuggets and the smiles on their faces. One middle-aged woman who made several trips into the canyon harvested thousands of dollars worth of gold which she converted to cash to finance her new florist shop in Colorado. A 17-year-old youth sent a phot of a shot glass filled with gold nuggets. Dozens more are richer today as a result of following the directions in WC's book.
This is a dream come true for many of us. For complete details on the iconic Lost Adams Diggings, as well as any obstacles one might encounter, treat yourself to a reading of the The Lost Canyon of Gold by WC. I got my copy from amazon.com. Several have contacted WC directly for an autographed copy. ​Good hunting! (3/16/23)
What is new with WC Jameson